Sweet Dom, thanks again.  I used your example, but that didn't want to work
either.  I noticed that ListLast(arguments.search, ';') did not have a space
after the semi-colon like the list of email addresses does after the
autosuggest fills it in.  After I added the space in there it works like a
champ!  Also needed to set the function to remote, but I guess I have to do
SOME of the work lol!



-----Original Message-----
From: Dominic Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 12:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: autosuggest

Hi Steve,

I got it to work with a cfc by doing something like this:

<cffunction name="lookupEmail">
<cfargument name="search" />

<cfset var emailSearch = ListLast(arguments.search, ';')>

<cfquery datasource="#application.ds#" name="data">
*SELECT* leemail
*FROM* emailview
*WHERE* ({ fn *UCASE*(leemail) } *LIKE* { fn*UCASE*('#emailSearch #%') })
*AND* (frn_leuserid = #*session*.callmeasurement_uid#)
*ORDER* *BY* leemail



On 07/04/2008, Steve Good <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry to beat a dying horse here, but I'm having issues getting a second
> value to return using the custom tag.  It works fine if I use a list, but
> if
> I bind it to my cfc that runs a query it returns the first value but stops
> after that.  I can see it's talking to my CFC if I keep typing, but it
> never
> returns anything.
> Here's the CFC I'm using, I'm sure the problem is in here
> someplace.  Other
> than the Application.cfc I'm relatively new to CFCs and they way they
> work.
> So I'm sure I missed something here.
> <cfcomponent displayname="emailAutoSuggest" hint="Auto Suggests Email
> Addresses" output="true">
>        <cffunction name="lookupEmail" displayname="lookupEmail"
> hint="Queries for an email address based on string in form"
> access="remote"
> output="false" returntype="String">
>                <cfargument name="search" displayName="search" type="Any"
> hint="passes the form string to the query" required="false" />
>                        <!--- define vars --->
>                        <cfset var data = "">
>                        <!--- do the searching --->
>                        <cfquery datasource="#application.ds#" name="data">
>                        SELECT leemail
>                        FROM emailview
>                        WHERE  ({ fn UCASE(leemail) } LIKE { fn
> UCASE('#ARGUMENTS.search#%') })
>                        AND (frn_leuserid = #session.callmeasurement_uid#)
>                        ORDER BY leemail
>                        </cfquery>
>                <cfreturn data.leemail />
>        </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> Thanks again for the help :)
> ~Steve
> http://goodcf.instantspot.com/

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