
Just out of curiosity, were these fresh, ground-up installs, or did you 
install 8.0.1 on top of your existing copy of 8?

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

RobG wrote:
> Me again. :)
> I've had to uninstall CF on three machines and reinstall to get back to 
> the pre-8.0.1 version (with just the pre-existing hotfixes installed). 
> This new update broke a LOT of stuff, and I'm wondering if anybody else 
> has noticed yet.
> First, there was the YUI-related issue that I posted about yesterday. 
> That was pretty minor.
> Next, I was working on a script that I've been dinking with for about a 
> month, that goes through a big directory of image files and checks their 
> pixel size and filesize, and alters them accordingly to save space.
> The first problem I noticed after doing the update was that if there 
> were more than about 70 files in the directory, JRUN would exit with a 
> strange error (I don't recall the specific one).  It had worked just 
> fine prior to this (there are some 20,000 files in the directory I'm 
> testing on).
> So I made a directory with fifty files and continued fine-tuning things. 
>   This is when I noticed the next problem.  Half of the files (roughly) 
> were coming up "not found" by the CFImage tag, despite definitely existing.
> I experimented... was it the ones with spaces in their names?  Nope. 
> Was it the ones that were uppercase?  Nope.  Lowercase?   Nope.  I could 
> find no rhyme or reason as to why this was happening.
> It also happened on another site that I run (on another server, which 
> also had the update) -- a message forum that I wrote.  People who were 
> uploading photos to their profiles were suddenly unable to do so.  I saw 
> lots of errors thrown due to "file not found" when the file clearly was 
> there.
> Finally I figured the best move was to roll back to pre-8.0.1.  So I 
> uninstalled/reinstalled since Adobe didn't give us an Uninstall option. 
>   Since that time, everything has gone back to normal and is working 
> just fine.
> Oh, I did go through the release notes very carefully to see if there 
> was anything mentioned that might tell why these problems started, but 
> there was nothing.
> So as of right now I'm advising everybody I know to NOT apply the 8.0.1 
> update.
> Rob

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