Hi Bruce:

Haven't looked over all the code, but it's document.getElementById()
('Id', not 'ID').  hopefully that'll do it.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using this script:
>  <cfoutput>
>  <script type="text/javascript">
>     var SiteContact = {};
>     var SitePhone = {};
>     <!--- Populate Site Contact Information --->
>     <cfloop query="qSelectAllSites">
>         SiteContact["#qSelectAllSites.SiteID#"] =
>  '#qSelectAllSites.SiteContact#';
>         SitePhone["#qSelectAllSites.SiteID#"] =
>  '#qSelectAllSites.SitePhone#';
>     </cfloop>
>     // Listen for changes to the select box
>     document.getElementById('Site_ID').onchange = function() {
>         document.getElementById('SiteContact').value =
>  qSelectAllSites[this.options[this.selectedIndex].value];
>         document.getElementByID('SitePhone').value =
>  qSelectAllSites[this.options[this.selectedIndex].value];
>     }
>  </script>
>  </cfoutput>
>  Everything works OK except for the first document.getElementByID. I am
>  getting the error message:
>  Error: document.getElementById("Site_ID") has no properties
>  Source File:
>  Line: 78
>  The select is:
>  <cfselect name="Site_ID" id="Site_ID" query="qSelectAllSites"
>  display="SiteName" value="SiteID"></cfselect>
>  So what am I missing here? Doesn't the
>  document.GetElementByID('Site_ID')......... listen for the select list
>  with the ID Site_ID?
>  Thanks,
>  Bruce

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