Because it is, indeed, absurd to report a bug in anything other than the
latest version of the product.

Further, if you had bothered to read the documentation, you would see that
it says:

A comma separated list of the font sizes to display in the rich text editor
> Size selector. List entries must have the format of *numeric font 
> size*/*descriptive
> text*. For example, to display the text "small font" to indicate a font
> size of 1, specify "1/small font". By default, the following values appear
> in the selector:
> 1/xx-small,2/x-small,3/small,4/medium,5/large,6/x-large,7/xx-large.

So, the problem isn't that this is a bug. The problem is that you're using
it incorrectly. This works fine for me:

<cfform name="form01" >
    <cftextarea richtext="true" name="text01" fontSizes="10pt/10
Point,20px/20 Point" />
    <cfinput type="submit" value="Enter" name="submit01"/>

What you've done is incorrectly post to a public forum declaring something
to be a bug when in fact you just didn't bother to actually read the
documentation. I would think that given this, your attitude would be just a
bit more subdued.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Don L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Whether or not you are wary of 801, it's silly to report bugs in 8
> > w/o
> > at least testing them in 801 first.
> >
> > 801 is the most recent release and it is pointless to report a bug in
> > 8 (imho).
> >
> Why did you spend time to follow up a thread with ZERO value input? You
> WERE a respected community member, please don't overuse it.

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