Yo paul, if you need help, hit me up private-like, but there is a
plugin for FCKEditor that counts both the number of HTML chars, and
non-html chars (using a bit of reg-ex).

It'll even prevent more entry when the count gets too high, IIRC.

It's been a while, but I can probably patch it back up if it's not
working (I helped with it, long ago, but haven't been using it
lately-- I did get a work request to add it back to one project, tho,

Not exactly monitoring cf-talk, so... yeah...  laters on dude.


On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Paul Ihrig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok this works, is slow and dosnt update from the cftextarea, unless i
>  type into the regular textarea, then it does...
>  if any one knows a better way to count the characters in a cftextarea
>  where richtext is true, please let me know..
>  <cfinput name="word_count" type="text"
>  bind="cfc:getLen.getdescLong([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED])"
>  size="50" style="border:0px;" >
>  <cfcomponent>
>     <cffunction name="getdescLong" access="remote">
>         <cfargument name="descLong">
>         <cfargument name="descShort">
>         <cfreturn "descLong: #Len(descLong)# of 8000 descShort:
>  #Len(descShort)#  of 8000">
>     </cffunction>
>  </cfcomponent>

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