You could use the ArrayToList function..
That will convert your array to a list and then just select from table
where id in  <cfqueryparam cf_sql_type="cf_sql_number"
value="#myList#" list="true" />

something like that....

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 8:24 AM, Richard White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
>  i have an array of subjectId's. i have a table in my database called 
> subjects with the primary key set as subjectID
>  i have 2 other columns called first name and last name.
>  i want to be able to get the first names and last names only for the 
> subjects ids stored in my array
>  is there a way in mysql or coldfusion to do this without the need of a loop
>  or is the only way to loop through the array of subject ids getting each 
> first name and last name one at a time
>  thanks

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