Did you read my response to this same question in the other thread before
you decided to post it yet again as a duplicate thread?

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:37 PM, erik tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have problem updating the DB table.
> I have 3 text boxes which has specific id. if the value of that boxes
> changed i wanto compare to DB and update the option for that id and only for
> that id . Instead it updates for all ids
> <cfif isDefined("btnOption")>
>        <cfloop index="i"  from="1" to="#ListLen(form.opt)#">
>                 <cfset variables.this=ListGetAt(form.opt,i)>
>            <cfloop query="getOptions">
>                <cfset option2=#getOptions.id#>
>                        <cfquery name="getOptions2" datasource="cfelsunrise"
> dbtype="odbc" >
>        select * from questionOptions where id in (#option2#) and options
> ='#variables.this#'
> </cfquery>
>                <cfif getOptions2.recordcount eq 0>
>                        <cfquery name="qryOptionSave2"
> datasource="cfelsunrise" dbtype="odbc">
>                                update questionOptions set
> options='#variables.this#' where id='#option2#' and surveyID=#surveyID# and
> questionID=#questionID#
>                        </cfquery>
>                </cfif>
>        </cfloop>
>       </cfloop>
>     <!---  <cflocation url="addRemoveQuestion.cfm?surveyID=#surveyID#"
> addtoken="no">--->
> </cfif>

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