Casey Dougall wrote:
> Any ideas of how I can get around this issue. If you need to generate an XML
> file for 1000 ID's each may end up being 1 to 2 meg in size. This was the
> best way I could figure to get around script timeouts. 

What about resetting the script timeouts to a value large enough to 
accomplish your task either globally in the administrator or locally 
with the <cfsetting...> tag?
> Now I get "Firefox
> has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in
> a way that will never complete."

Well, from Firefox's point of view that is exactly what you are doing.  
It can't see what the server is doing and understand that it is involved 
in an iterative loop that will eventually end.  It can only see that is 
is getting the same sequence of 301 redirects over and over.  The 
developers of browsers have intelligently made them so that they do not 
get trapped in an endless loop like this.

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