Paul Ihrig wrote:
> lets try this....
> productTable
> pId, acList
> 1.............3,5,7
> 2.............2,3
> accessoryTable
> aID, Products
> 2.............1,2,3
> 3.............3,4
> 5.............2
> 7.............12,15, et..
> the user basically selects aa aid from the accessories table
> in the form of a check box.
> and ascociates as many id's containg producta [which are accesories] to what
> ever real product he wants..
Normalized Database Design Best Pratice
ProductTable-Accessory Join
Product ID

1 3
1 5
1 7
2 2
2 3

AccessoryTable_Product Join
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 3
3 4
5 2
7 12
7 15

Are these some type of recipical thing?  Are are these two different 

> this really does seem to work quite well.
For now.  But if you have to maintain and enhance this application it 
will bite you in the behind someday.  There is a very good reason that 
50 years of database design has been working this way and I don't see it 
changing any time soon.

> i was just trying to look through all the stabndard functions out there to
> remove duplicates.
> listToArray throws me a error converting simple something to something...

Don't for an array it is not going to get you the consilidation you 
want.  Just create a structure, loop over the valueList() result 
creating a node for  each value then extrat the list.  Structures can 
not have key duplicates they will get consilidated into one key.

<cfset something = structNew()>
<cfloop list="#valueList(aQuery.aColumn)#" index="value">
  <cfset something[value] = true>

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