Afternoon Greg,

I've done my fair share of SMS and MMS messaging in the past from cf 
applications. You should'nt need any JAVA work arounds however I would 
definitly stear clear of the cfmail route, people have reported many problems 
about that in the past, ol' Ben did a good job of pointing those out in that 
blog post.

You need two things to get yourself running:

A) An aggregator. This is a service provider who will send the messages to your 
B) The cfhttp tag. This will allow you to hit the aggregators webservices and 
make your requests to send messages. For MMS messages you usualy have a field 
which contains a base64 encoded binary data of the file you're looking to send, 
this can be gotten using simple cffile reads and the toBase64() method.

Do some googling around for SMS aggregators, there are many to choose from and 
they usualy offer a free trial with 10-20 message credits for you to play 
around with. They will also offer a bunch of different communication methods so 
you dont have to use cfhttp if you dont want.



From: "Greg Morphis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 16 May 2008 16:08
To: CF-Talk <>
Subject: Re: MMS in ColdFusion? 

Please do.. send me anything you can. I'll check out openwave MMS SDK

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Rich wrote:
> Greg,
> I just completed a project that involved MMS. I don't know of a really
> simple way to send MMS messages from CF without the use of java.
> I used the openwave MMS SDK in combination with custom java classes to
> deliver MMS messages using the MM7 protocol under CF. If you would like I
> can provide some of the problems / solutions to save you a few steps if you
> chose to take this road.
> Rich Kroll

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