I ran into a similar issue a while back, and my problem was that the 
primary template I was calling was not within the same template as the 
Application.cfc. When Application.cfc runs on a page load it runs within 
the same directory space as the template originally called, thereby 
breaking your pathing. I got around this by referencing all of that 
pathing from the webroot of the site "/somefolder/anotherfolder/etc".

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Adrian Lynch wrote:
> Hey all.
> I have two apps(on two different servers), where I'm seeing errors stating
> that CF can't find a given include.
> The set-up is CF 8.0 on Windows 2003 with IIS 6 and SQL Server 2005 on both.
> In both cases I am using a mapping defined in App.cfc:
> <cfset THIS.mappings["/includes"] = "path\to\includes">
> On one app the page looks like this:
> <cfinclude template="/includes/my-include.cfm">
> Some basic CF and HTML
> <cfinclude template="/includes/my-other-include.cfm">
> and the error comes from either of the include lines. 'Could not find the
> included template /includes/my-include.cfm.' or 'Could not find the included
> template /includes/my-other-include.cfm.'.
> I put this down to CF being under load and was willing to put up with it,
> but now on another app on a much better server with even less intensive
> code, I'm getting the same error.
> Has anyone else come across this before? Is it a known issue? Are there any
> solutions?
> Thanks.
> Adrian Lynch
> http://www.adrianlynch.co.uk/

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