Why do you have locks? CF single threads these methods automatically.
Secondly, I'd get rid of the cfreturn even though it isn't doing
anything. Lastly, try renaming your application temporarily. That
would force new sessions to be created.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Carl Von Stetten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a problem getting a session variable to initialize using the 
> onSessionStart method of Application.cfc.  I'm trying to instantiate a cfc 
> object named "rd" into the session scope, and initialize it.  I'm using J2EE 
> sessions.  No matter what I do, the "rd" session variable is not created.  I 
> tried both with and without a lock on the session scope, but nothing works.  
> Any ideas?  Here is a snippet from my Application.cfc:
> <cffunction
>        name="OnSessionStart"
>        access="public"
>        returntype="void"
>        output="false"
>        hint="Fires when the session is first created.">
>        <!--- Instantiate the RecordDrawings.cfc into session.rd variable --->
>        <cflock scope="session" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
>                <cfset session.rd = 
> createObject("component","cfc.RecordDrawings").init(application.DS.ESGTracking)>
>        </cflock>
>        <!--- Return out. --->
>        <cfreturn />
> </cffunction>
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Carl

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