I just want to +1 this. You want to use the editor that is best for
you and your team. I will add though that Eclipse takes a bit of
getting used to. It will NOT be as friendly as HomeSite+, but if you
give yourself a week on it, I think you will appreciate it.

I'll also ditto TextMate. I use it for editing files I don't have
Eclipse projects set up for.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> there is no right answer to this question obviously, except this:
> The best cf editor is the one that you are most comfortable with and allows
> you to work at peak productivity.
> For me - even having been using Flex Builder for 2 years now, that editor is
> still Homesite+
> Rick
Raymond Camden, VP of Software Dev, Broadchoice

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