Much thanks to everyone who's responded to my posting. This community is 
bar-none the best out there! Tweaking the JVM based on your suggestions has 
made a world of difference.  So far, my CF server has been running without 
interruption for 1 day, 14 hours, and 22 minutes, and things seem to be humming 
along.  Here's my current JVM settings, in case anyone else can benefit from 

# Arguments to VM
-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m 
-XX:NewSize=48m -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../ 
-Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib -XX:+UseParallelGC 
 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=300000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=300000

>From what I could tell, increasing the permsize/maxperm size to 256mb and 
>setting the gcInterval to 300000 made the biggest differences.  

Thanks again for all your help,

> I've seen various postings around this subject, but wanted to get some 
> advice on my particular situation.
> I have a dedicated Win2K3 box with 4 GB ram and a dual-core xeon 
> running IIS 6 and CFMX7 Standard Edition. The box is located at a 
> tier-one data center.
> I have 18 web sites ranging from a few pages up to several thousand 
> pages.  In total, my sites generate around 50,000 hits per day; and 
> the largest of my sites sees around 75K users per month.
> I realize that doesn't seem like a lot of traffic; but all of these 
> sites are for non-profit associations with small membership levels 
> (avg. 600 members/association).
> What these sites *do* have are a lot of Coldfusion applications.  All 
> the members areas are run on a commercially built CF application (12 
> instances of this), and we have upwards of 50 other custom-built 
> applications.  Several of these applications make use of persistent 
> CFCs (scoped at the application level), so at any given time, at least 
> 350 MB of the server's RAM is being used by JRUN.  I have CF 
> datasources set up for 47 separate MS SQL 2000 databases, all of which 
> run on a separate, dedicated server at a different location from my 
> webserver.
> Lately, I've been noticing a lot of instability on the server, with 
> request timeouts, what appear to be memory leaks, and general end-user 
> unhappiness.
> I've been trying my darndest to tune my applications and the CF server 
> using best practices found on various sources (including this site, 
> Coldfusion Muse, Robi Sen's blog, etc.), but lately I've been spending 
> at least an hour/day wrestling with the server, and I'm about ready to 
> say uncle.
> Adobe's info says that CFMX Standard edition is "ideal for delivering 
> a single website or application on a single server", and clearly I'm 
> way beyond having a single site or application.
> However, I'm wondering whether others on the list have run the 
> standard edition with a similar number of sites/applications.
> Let me know if you think it's time to upgrade, or whether I should 
> just keep tuning this fiddle.
> Thanks,
> Michael 

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