>> "#Chr(34)##replace(arguments
> .str,chr(34),"#chr(34)##chr(34)#","ALL")##Chr(34)#"

There is your bottle neck. CF does not like string manipulation on a large
scale. I have tried to parsed large text files before only to watched my dev
box just keel over.

I see two options off the top of my head, let SQL server do the work or use
Java for the string manipulation.

Last time I had to parse a large text file like this I ended up writting an
ActiveX script for DTS (long time ago) .


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Gaulin, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Also, test you page with the user's query but with the output part
> > (actually writing the file) commented out... If the page is still slow
> > and a huge memory hog then the file stuff above won't help much and
> > you'll have to look at running the query in java too, but I but you'll
> > get something by handling the file better.
> >
>  I honestly don't think it's the file writing that's the problem.
> I just commented out the fileWrite() statements inside the <cfloop> tags
> that would write each line to the file, (the file still being opened with
> the "header" row being written to it... and it made zero difference at all
> in the length of time it took to complete.
> The query itself runs quite fast.  Returns a lot of rows but isn't a
> complex
> query.
> Anyway, I put some cfoutput statements in my gateway (I'm calling it as a
> direct cfc call not a gateway for testing).. output now().gettime() to see
> the ms as the method call progresses.
> The query returns its results in less than 4 seconds.  The process of
> generating the csv (around line 330-340 of the sample code I posted
> earlier)
> took 62 of the 68 seconds.
> And that was without actually WRITING the file.
> the GOOD news is that a TAB delimited file takes considerably less time (32
> seconds vs. 68 seconds), cutting the "output time" from 62 seconds to 26
> seconds.  Which means the csvFormat() function is taking up a very large
> part of the processing time.
> This is my csvFormat() function:
> <cffunction name="csvFormat" output="false" access="public"
> returnType="string">
>  <cfargument name="str" type="string" required="yes">
>  <cfif arguments.str neq "" and not isNumeric(arguments.str)>
>  <cfreturn
> "#Chr(34)##replace(arguments.str,chr(34),"#chr(34)##chr(34)#","ALL")##Chr(34)#">
>  <cfelse>
>  <cfreturn arguments.str>
>  </cfif>
> </cffunction>

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