Hi, all...

I've got a database table of properties with mls numbers.
I've got a directory of photos.

I need to check and see if any of the photos names contain
the mls number of any of the properties, and, if so, copy the
matching photos to a new directory.

I tried querying the db for all mls numbers and also running
cfdirectory to get all the photo names.

Then I ran this code:

        <cfloop query='get_mls'>
                <cfloop query="photolist">
                        <cfif #listfirst(photolist.name, '_')# is 
                                <cfset i=i+1>

First problem:  request timeout
Solution:  <cfsetting requesttimeout = '60000'>

Second problem:  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

What a more efficient way of handling this process, assuming
the approach above would even work?

Thanks for any help!


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