1) why don't you use form.alignHEAD instead of thisNL.alignHEAD? if you
must use thisNL, then maybe add <cfset thisNL = structnew()> before your
cfparam tag...
2) you don't need those # inside len(trim())
3) your cfif block is redundant - you already set your var with cfparam
if it does not exist

Azadi Saryev

Les Mizzell wrote:
> The below is on a page to add or edit records.
> When you visit the page, if no recordset is returned by the query, it 
> will ADD when the form is submitted. If a record is returned, it will 
> update.  Standard stuff..
> Small problem I'm having - I need to set a few default values to check 
> some checkboxes. Here's what I've got:
> <cfparam name="thisNL.alignHEAD" default="rgt" />
> <cfif NOT len(trim(#thisNL.alignHEAD#))>
>     <cfset thisNL.alignHEAD ="rgt" />
> </cfif>
> <input name="alignHEAD"
>         type="radio"
>         value="alignnltLEFT"
>         <cfif thisNL.alignHEAD EQ "rgt">checked="checked"</cfif> />
> So, if no recordset is returned, then "thisNL.alignHEAD" *should* be set 
> as a default to "rgt". Problem is, the above isn't working. 
> "thisNL.alignHEAD" is either null, a blank value or *something* and it's 
> not getting preset to check the default box.
> Not sure what I've got wrong. Ideas?

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