I believe this is (and has been) true.

put the conditional outside.

<cfif getshots.recordcount eq 0>
     <cfoutput>#variables.i#, not found</cfoutput>
     <cfoutput query="getShots">
          #variables.i#, #getShots.Filename#, #getShots.JID#,
#getShots.status#<br />

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Chad Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I use cfoutput with query="foo" and the queries record count is 0.  The 
> CFoutput is not stepped into.
> Has this always been true?
> I have some code like this and noticed that I never returned the "NOT FOUND" 
> statement because if the recordcount is zero the cfoutput is skipped over.
> <cfoutput query="getShots">
> <cfif getShots.recordcount EQ 0>
>        #variables.i#, NOT FOUND<br />
> <cfelse>
>        #variables.i#,#getShots.Filename#,#getShots.JID#,#getShots.status#<br 
> />
> </cfif>
> </cfoutput>

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