I am experimenting with <CFLayout> and I am running into a strange error that 
only happens in IE:
"Exception Thrown and Not Caught"

It works fine in Firefox.

What I want to do is display a tab in <CFLayout> if that tab is in my Query 
result.  If that tab is not in my query results I hide it.

So I am using javascript to hide/unhide tabs inside of a cfloop to decide that 
needs hidden and what does not.

I load the javascript in the <body> tags onLoad attribute.  Should I be loading 
the JS differently?

<cfset CareyProvidePlate_List = "Tab1,Tab2,Tab3" />     

function onLoadFunction() {
<cfloop list="#CareyProvidePlate_List#" index="item">
        <cfif findNoCase(item, currentTicket.CAREYPROVIDE)>

<body onload="onLoadFunction();">

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