You can use the HttpServletRequest object
(getPageContext().getRequest()) to pull an enumeration of
case-sensitive parameter names.


On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 9:13 AM, Bobby Hartsfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably a lost cause but does anyone know of any method(s) to preserve the
> case of form field names through a POST? I'm submitting a form to capture
> the input and generate some XML to pass to a remote web service. The form
> field names correspond with the required XML node names since the plan was
> to just loop the form scope and generate the XML. Unfortunately, the remote
> service was created in a way that the node names in the XML are case
> sensitive (and mixed case)
> An example of one of the node names is... 'CBPosterEmail'. So I named my
> form field the same but of course when looping the form collection,
> 'CBPosterEmail' becomes 'CBPOSTEREMAIL'... which the remote service doesn't
> see as a valid field name.
> I can think of a couple of ways to do it differently such as pass the node
> names as values of fields or build the xml manually on the backend instead
> of within a loop but I thought I'd see if anyone knew of a trick to this one
> first.
> Thanks!
> Ps... I did shoot the authors of the service an email yesterday to see if
> they could avoid making the node names case sensitive on their end or to see
> if they would consider changing them to something more consistent like all
> lowercase or all uppercase but it was Friday and I don't expect a response
> until at least Monday :-/
> ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
> Bobby Hartsfield

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