There was just a thread on this last week.
According to Jochem, ColdFusion DOES cache the file locally on the web
server in the /WEB-INF/cfusion/tmpCache/ directory.  

What this means, is your image is written to the local file system of
your ColdFusion server regardless of whether you do it, or if you use
the write-to-browser function.  The main benefit you would have of
writing it yourself is that you could choose where to put it-- ie, a
central network location which is mapped as a virtual directory on your
web server so load balancing will work without sticky sessions.

Of course, the upside to using the writetobrowser is that ColdFusion
cleans up for you, and you don't have to worry about clearing out the
old files yourself.

Heck, why don't you do the following and get the best of a couple
worlds.  You can let ColdFusion write and clean up the file, but you can
use it however you want:

<cfimage action="read" source="D:\path\to\your\image\my_image.gif"

<cfsavecontent variable="my_image_html">
        <cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#my_image#">

<cfset image_path = rereplacenocase(my_image_html,"(<img

<table background="<cfoutput>#image_path#</cfoutput>">
        <tr><td>My Table<br /><br /><br /><br /></td></tr>


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Weikert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF8, cfimage "writetobrowser" action - backgrounds?

Well thinking about it MORE, I really *do* need to write the images 
right out to the browser.

The sheer number of combinations of the data preclude pre-writing out 
the images to the file system - it would be a huge number of files.

But I figured out my background issue. I'm just using a pair of divs, 
overlaid using z-index. One div, I toss the <cfimage> tag into - the 
other div (with a higher z-index), I do my other info overlay. Works 
like a champ. :)

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