I've gotten my head around my first Model Glue app, except one thing - Global 

I googled and googled, and used some examples, but still having no luck. 

Model Glue 2.0.304 - Running into an error. 

My goal is to set a simple DSN global variable that I can use anywhere. I've 
used some examples from Googling, but still
can't make anything work. 

Coldspring.xml looks like this:

<bean id="AppConfiguration" class="ModelGlue.Bean.CommonBeans.SimpleConfig">
   <property name="Config">
      <entry key="DSN"><value>leroy</value></entry>

<bean id="Employee" class="model.Employee">
  <constructor-arg name="AppConfiguration">
     <ref bean="AppConfiguration" />

I have my controller object, which does not use an init():

<cffunction name="showEmployees" access="public" returnType="any" 
  <cfargument name="event" type="any" />

    var Employee = createObject("component", "model.Employee").init();
    var getEmployees = Employee.getEmployees();
    arguments.event.setValue("employees", getEmployees);

I built an Employee object. The Employee object uses an init(), and simply runs 
a query and returns all employees. 

<cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="Employee" output="no">
  <cfargument name="AppConfiguration" required="true" />

    <cfset variables.config = arguments.AppConfiguration />
 <cfreturn  this />

Then here's the query:

<cffunction name="getEmployees" access="public" returnType="query" 

     var getEmployees = ""; 
     var myDSN = variables.config.getConfigSetting("DSN");

      <cfquery name="getEmployees" datasource="#myDSN#">
      select emp_id, emp_fname, emp_lname, emp_age
      from tblemployees
  <cfreturn getEmployees />

The error is coming from this line in the controller:

var Employee = createObject("component", "model.Employee").init();


The APPCONFIGURATION parameter to the init function is required but was not 
passed in.
The error occurred in C:\webRoot\MG-ComplexData\controller\Controller.cfc: line 

I'm assuming Employee.cfc is automatically init()ing when the app loads, so I 
shouldnt need to init() it 
again. I'm fuzzy...

If I take the init() off the controller call like this:

var Employee = createObject("component", "model.Employee"); 

Then I get this error:

Element CONFIG is undefined in a Java object of type class [Ljava.lang.String;.
The error occurred in C:\webRoot\MG-ComplexData\model\Employee.cfc: line 82


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