hi matt this is a good idea, shame about the leading and trailing commas though 
this would prove to be a pain, until i can find another solution i will do the 
loop and use the list find though thanks for your help

>I had something like this once upon a time. I think I had to
>manipulate the data so that I had leading and trailing commas in the
>list in table. This was so I wouldn't get false matches, such as 6
>being found in this list: 1,16,8. If you can do that, this might work.
><cfquery ...>
>select col1, col2
>from mytable
>where 1=0
><cfloop list="2,6" index="i">
>OR col2 Like '%,#i#,%'
>If you can't make sure of the leading and trailing commas (which is
>somewhat an ugly solution), you will have to do some looping over
>queries. I'll defer to someone else for how this would work because
>the only thing I can think of is to get all records and then loop over
>those results and do a ListFind for each record. And for each record
>you'd have to loop over the list of criteria too.

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