>Well, the example I created was pulled right out of my ... imagination. But
>if you create different object instances for each user, and store those in
>each user's session, the fact that you have the same structure for each of
>those instances doesn't matter at all.
But I was lookin at Joe's legacy samples and I see he has a Contact.cfc and 
ContactManager.cfc in his model.

And in his controllers he has a ContactManagerController.cfc. 

It has this line:

<!--- Since we're not really using a database, we treat our managers as 
stateful containers --->
  <cfset variables.ContactManager = createObject("component", 
"modelgluesamples.legacysamples.contactmanager.model.ContactManager") />

So does model glue automatically take care of it for you? How would this be 
thread safe? There isn't a reference to session anywhere I can find. 

Thanks Dave!


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