Have you tried putting the jar in this path



On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud') <

> Okay, from what I've read thus far, deploying a jar file is so easy that
> even a monkey could do it. As I understand it, if I drop the jar file into
> the /lib directory and then restart CF 8, it will magically be available to
> me. Only, I must be missing something because this hasn't been the case.
> Here are the details:
> I am working on a project that requires the use of java proxies. I am in
> the process of setting up my local environment using CF8 developer edition,
> standalone. I drop the jar file (Wdqc00sm.jar) into the /lib directory  and
> restart. I then attempt to execute a template with two lines in it:
> <cfset objSecurity =
> createobject("Java","Wdqc00sm.Abean.Wdqc00s1SecurityAuthorization").Init()>
> <cfdump var="#objSecurity#">
> and promptly get the error:
>  Object Instantiation Exception.
> An exception occurred when instantiating a Java object. The class must not
> be an interface or an abstract class. Error:
> com/ca/gen75/jprt/ProxyException.
> Now, if I take the exact same template and execute it on the remote dev
> server where CF8 is running J2EE style on Linux (which I can't develop on
> due to other issues),  with the same jar file deployed there, the object is
> created and dumps just fine.
> SO, can anybody tell me what I have to do to successfully install/deploy
> this jar file locally?
> Any input is MUCH appreciated. :)
> Doug

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