your right, i wish they would support so much more in QoQ. i have read that it 
was not meant to be used in the way that so many people are now trying to use 
it. but i hope they realise that they have started the need for something that 
can really help people out and they should really satisfy the need they have 

i havent read or heard about any enhancements to the QoQ in version 9 though, 
its a real shame if they don't

thanks for your help again

>Glad it's working for you.
>I really wish QofQ would support the "INNER JOIN table_name tn ON
>tn.column_name = " syntax.  To me, it is a lot easier to visually see
>how each table is being tied into the results.
>I have seen an incomplete join bring down the server when two large
>tables were joined together with no criteria.  Like Jochem said, that is
>a Cartesian join, which means EVERY POSSIBLE combination of records from
>both tables will be returned.
>Let's say you join two tables together that both have only 1,000
>You're going to get 1,000,000 records back.  This effect grows
>ok thanks brad, i have taken it out of the from list, you learn
>something new everyday
>i hadnt realised that by putting that in there that it would think that
>i am joining it, even if i had not specified any columns from that query
>but would still attempt to join it. to be honest i thought i needed it
>to do the valuelist stuff as you said. 
>it has sped it up thanks. you stated that i hadnt added any join clauses
>but as i think you guessed there was not meant to be a join
>thanks brad 

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