> > Why? It will almost certainly be a much better solution 
> > than anything else you're considering.
> Dave - Not sure it's better than 'anything else.' Why stick 
> with a query that'd need constant grouping when what he's got 
> in the DB is a set representing a hierarchical data structure?
> Instead of returning a query that'd need grouping each time 
> you use it, you could build up a struct once (by grouping) 
> and then logically navigate / manipulate it on an ad-hoc basis ...

I didn't say "anything else", but rather "anything else [he] was

That said, you could certainly store the grouped query results however you
like; you could even store the generated page output. None of that is
inconsistent with my suggestion, which simply involved having one query
instead of a series of queries.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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