Correction:  I just use insertRow() and deleteRow(), not innerHTML.  I have now 
tried this:

eval("if (!document.all." + table_name + ".rows[1]) {  my_new_row = 
document.all." + table_name + ".insertRow(1); } else {  my_new_row = 
document.all." + table_name + ".rows[1]; }");
eval("document.all." + table_name + ".rows[1].setAttribute('display','yes')");

for open and
eval("document.all." + table_name + ".rows[1].setAttribute('display','no')");

for close.  No JS errors, but this does not close the row, nothing happens.  A 
getAttribute check after this shows display is changed, but nothing is rendered 
to the screen.

>Have you tried
>.style.display = 'none' in javascript?  Instead of the .innerHTML
>William Seiter
>ColdFusion Web Developer / Consultant
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>::-----Original Message-----
>::Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:13 AM
>::To: CF-Talk
>::Subject: cfwindow inside iframe issue
>::I'm using some nicely formated cfwindows as tool tip type popups inside
>::an iframe that is expandable/collapsable (tr.innerHTML=iframe or "").
>::When the user tries to collapse the iframe IE blows up. The expand,
>::rollover, and  mouseout events all act as they should. Is there a way to
>::more gracefully close the iframe before blanking the .innerHTML of the
>::tr that might keep this from happening? My guess is the parent being
>::wiped out causes a problem for the code rendered for the cfwindow, but I
>::really have no idea how CF implements this.

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