On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don't use isDefined() here, or most places for that matter, it does the
> ColdFusion Scope Search and that is what is killing your code.
> Try structKeyExists() instead.
> I.E. <cfif structKeyExists(url,'somevar')>...</cfif>
> This should not get confused by the url columns in the record set.

Actually, it does.

coldfusion still checks the query scope first.

        <cfset foo = queryNew("id,url","integer,varchar")>
        <cfset QueryAddRow(foo)>
        <cfset querySetCell(foo,"id",1)>
        <cfset querySetCell(foo,"url","http://www.houseoffusion.com";)>
        <cfloop query="foo">
                <cfif structKeyExists(url,"bar")>url.bar exists!</cfif>
                <cfdump var="#url.bar#">
        <cfcatch type="any"><cfdump var="#cfcatch#"></cfcatch>

This generates the dereferencing error on the structKeyExists line ...
because it's looking at url in the query, not the url scope.


Rick Root
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