Does anyone know what can cause the "HTTPServerError"
(COM.Allaire.ColdFusion.HTTPServerError) when using CFHTTP?

I'm running into this, but the circumstances make it very hard to
debug.  Here's the scenario:

We have a process that gets sales information for our various
affiliates (150+) via a web service and then uses cfhttp to transmit
that information back to a URL on each affiliate's server.  This is an
automated process.  However, for 3 of our affiliates (2 of which are,
ironically, actually us), the cfhttp is failing with the

Now, what makes this very hard to debug is that if I run the process
manually so that it only fires for each of those 3 affiliates
individually (i.e., I run it 3 times), it works just fine. If I run
the full process (all affiliates) manually in my browser, those posts
still fail, so it's not just that it's running as a scheduled task.

I've tried looking at a common link between the 3 affiliates, and
haven't found one (two are GETs, one is a POST).  So, I'm at a loss.

I could set up 3 extra scheduled tasks (running each one of those 3
individually), but that means I'll have 5 threads on the box devoted
to this task [3 for these affiliates, one for a high-traffic affiliate
we're already running a separate task for, and the "everybody else"
task]. And, since this box isn't devoted just to this system, that
seems a bit thread-heavy. [this task runs once a minute].

Any ideas?  I'm not finding much on that exception type online.

Scott Brady

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