however, one of the owners got banned when
> he included  the word "Declare" in a product description:)

Wow-- that sucks.  This is a classic reason why that sort of blocking method 
is in my opinoin only useful for a temproary stop gap.  It treats the symtom 
more than the problem and is prone to false alarms.

>  for this attack, I am thinking wouldn't it be
> wise to remove permission to use the sysobjects
> and syscolumns from the user I access the MS SQL
> server with from CF?  (In other words, I am
> assuming that cf does not need access to these tables - does it?)

I would absolutely recommend removing permissions to those system tables.  I 
would also recommend blocking operations such as drop, grant, revoke, and 
alter.  If you have part of your application that needs that kind of 
functionality, it is better to create a separate datasource with escalated 
privileges and use it sparingly.


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