Thanks for the info Dave. It's always good to know of alternate solutions, but, 
I was thinking more on the line of gateway which would continuously listen for 
emails (just like it would do for SMS messages), any thoughts on that? Is it 
possible to listen for emails at all?

>I forgot to mention that I have my VB app running as a Service on my server.
>I had an issue like this and couldn't find a 'pure' ColdFusion solution.  I
>ended up building a little VB app that checked the mailbox every 5 seconds
>to see if had any mail and then, if it did, it would then execute my CF page
>to pull the mail.  Of course, I was checking every 5 seconds, and, as a
>result, since it would take longer than 5 seconds for my page to run, I had
>the issue of multiple requests trying to process the mail at the same time.
>So, I set up a DB variable that would, in effect, 'lock' the process so that
>it could only be running once at any given time.  Once the VB app saw there
>was mail, it would start firing the CF request (it would shell out to WGET
>which would execute the HTTP call to the CF page) every 5 seconds until
>there was no mail anymore.  The first request would actually start the
>processing and the remaining requests would just abort because the process
>was already running.
>This has been working well for us for two months now.
>I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish this, and maybe even a 'Pure'
>ColdFusion solution, but I found the overhead on CFPOP so slow that I
>couldn't reliably expect it to check for messages every 5 seconds
>successfully without killing my server (sometimes a single CFPOP call would
>take more than 5 seconds anyway).
>I have a CRM tool which uses CFPOP to pull the email from the mailbox,
>parses those email and connects them to an existing open tickets in the CRM
>tool for that email address. 
>I have a scheduled task which runs every 15 minutes and does the pull,parse
>and append. I need to have this task run every 2 minutes but because we have
>a lot already going on in that tool it has huge performance issues.
>I was thinkin may be, if there is a email gateway or some other method to
>continusouly listen the mailbox and as soon as we get email parse it, append
>Please advise if any of you have ever looked into some solutions where the
>app can continuously listen for event (email in this case) without having
>huge performance impact.

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