I figured it out i was not using the hbox and vbox properly.


On Aug 10, 2008, at 10:11 AM, Tom Jones wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm starting to play with the cfformgroup tag and I'm hitting a snag.
> I would like to have two hdividedbox(s) side-by-side but I can not
> seem to get it to work. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing  
> wrong.
> Thanks,
> tom
> Here is my test code...
> <cfform format="flash" width="800" height="600"  
> action="flash_form.cfm">
>       <cfformgroup type="tabnavigator">
>         <!--- TAB - Client  --->
>               <cfformgroup type="page" label="Client">
>         <!--- Group Box - Left Side    --->
>             <cfformgroup type="hdividedbox">
>                 <cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="Client ID">
>                     <cfinput name="ClientID" type="text" width="60"
> readonly="yes" />
>                     <cfinput name="Active" type="checkbox"
> label="Active">
>                 </cfformgroup>
>                 <cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="1) First/Last
> Name">
>                     <cfinput name="FirstName1" type="text"
> width="120" />
>                     <cfinput name="LastName1" type="text"
> width="120" />
>                 </cfformgroup>
>                 <cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="2) First/Last
> Name">
>                     <cfinput name="FirstName2" type="text"
> width="120" />
>                     <cfinput name="LastName2" type="text"
> width="120" />
>                 </cfformgroup>
>                 <cfformitem type="spacer"></cfformitem>
>                 <cfformgroup type="vertical" label="Address">
>                     <cfinput name="Address1" type="text"  
> width="250" />
>                     <cfinput name="Address2" type="text"  
> width="250" />
>                 </cfformgroup>
>                 <cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="City/State/Zip">
>                     <cfinput name="City" type="text" width="110" />
>                     <cfinput name="State" type="text" width="40" />
>                     <cfinput name="Zip" type="text" width="84" />
>                 </cfformgroup>
>                 <cfformitem type="spacer"></cfformitem>
>                 <cfformgroup type="vertical">
>                     <cfinput name="PhoneHome" label="Home"
> type="text" width="250" />
>                     <cfinput name="PhoneWork" label="Work"
> type="text" width="250" />
>                     <cfinput name="PhoneMobile" label="Mobile"
> type="text" width="250" />
>                     <cfinput name="EMail" label="Email" type="text"
> width="250" />
>                 </cfformgroup>
>            </cfformgroup>
>          <!--- Group Box - Right Side    --->
>             <cfformgroup type="hdividedbox">
>                 <cfformgroup type="vertical" label="Age next  
> birthday">
>                     <cfinput name="Age1" type="radio" label="18-30"
> value="18-30" />
>                     <cfinput name="Age1" type="radio" label="31-40"
> value="31-40" />
>                 </cfformgroup>
>             </cfformgroup>
>               </cfformgroup>
>         <!--- TAB - More Info  --->
>               <cfformgroup type="page" label="Patients">
>                       <cfformgroup type="horizontal" label="Age next 
> birthday">
>                               <cfinput name="Age" type="radio" label="18-30" 
> value="18-30" />
>                               <cfinput name="Age" type="radio" label="31-40" 
> value="31-40" />

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