advise your host to upgrade to cf8.0.1 and apply the latest hotfix that
solves this issue.

Azadi Saryev

Mike Little wrote:
> hi guys,
> just having a few problems with a script i have used on older cf servers (6 
> and 7). i have attempted upgrading it to using the new cfimage tag. it seems 
> to break down near the end when trying to delete the existing uploaded file. 
> the file seems to be locked and access is denied.
> my webhost have too restart the cfapplication in order to unlock the files.
> has anyone had this trouble OR know of a better way i should now be handling 
> this??
> mike
> <cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="image_#Request.idx#" 
> destination="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\" 
> nameconflict="makeunique" accept="image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
> image/gif, image/png">
>                       <cfif cffile.fileWasSaved IS "Yes">     
>                               <!--- get image info --->
>                               <cfimage action="info" 
> source="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#" 
> structname="imageInfo" />
>                               <!--- determine what resizing options are 
> needed --->
>                               <cfif (imageInfo.width GT 413)>
>                                       <cfset resize_large = 1>
>                               </cfif>
>                               <cfif (imageInfo.width GT 115) OR 
> (imageInfo.height GT 87)>
>                                       <cfset resize_thumb = 1>
>                               </cfif>
>                               <!--- rename image --->
>                               <cfset new_image_name = left(createUUID(), 13) 
> & '.' & cffile.serverFileExt>
>                               <!--- apply image adjustments --->
>                               <cfif resize_large>
>                                       <cfimage 
> source="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#" 
> action="resize" width="413" height="" 
> destination="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#new_image_name#" 
> quality="0.8">
>                               </cfif>
>                               <cfif resize_thumb>
>                                       <cfimage 
> source="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#" 
> action="resize" width="115" height="" 
> destination="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\thumb_#new_image_name#"
>  quality="0.8">
>                               <cfelse>
>                                       <cffile action="copy" 
> source="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#" 
> destination="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\thumb_#new_image_name#">
>                               </cfif>
>                               <!--- delete original or rename --->
>                               <cfif resize_large>
>                                       <cfif 
> fileExists("#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#")>
>                                               <CFFILE action="Delete" 
> File="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#">
>                                       </cfif>
>                               <cfelse>
>                                       <cffile action="rename" 
> source="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#cffile.serverFile#" 
> destination="#application.settings.fileDir#project_images\#new_image_name#">
>                               </cfif>
>                       </cfif> 

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