i had to set this up about 3 or 4 years ago and after much angst was 
told by my host that EDPQ was not comptatible with CF (i had to use 
PERL) . I don't know if thats still the case though - worth a check with 

Paul Marsden wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I've connected up a client to Barclays EPDQ via ColdFusion. If this is any 
> help, here is the code:
> <!--- set your variables to send to Barclays
> example figures have been put in here - change them to your own values - PaulM
>  --->
> <!--- the total amount of the order --->
> <cfparam name="mysite.orderamount" type="numeric" default="0">
> <cfset variables.total = "#mysite.orderamount#">
> <!--- your own unique order ID for this order, if not provided Barclays will 
> send you back its own unique order ID --->
> <cfset variables.oid = "22">
> <!--- Type of transaction, standard value is "Auth", check the documents for 
> the others  --->
> <cfset variables.chargetype = "Auth">
> <!--- the password you created in the Barclays ePDQ front end --->
> <cfset variables.password = "myPassword">
> <!--- the currency code, set to 826 for pounds sterling --->
> <cfset variables.currencycode = "826">
> <!--- your clientID, given by Barclays at setup --->
> <cfset variables.clientid = "123456">
> <!--- this is the main form for the page --->
> <FORM ACTION="https://secure2.epdq.co.uk/cgi-bin/CcxBarclaysEpdq.e"; 
> METHOD="post">
> URL="http://secure2.epdq.co.uk/cgi-bin/CcxBarclaysEpdqEncTool.e";>
> <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FormField" NAME="total" VALUE="#variables.total#">
> <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FormField" NAME="oid" VALUE="#variables.oid#">
> <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FormField" NAME="chargetype" 
> VALUE="#variables.chargetype#">
> <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FormField" NAME="password" VALUE="#variables.password#">
> <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FormField" NAME="currencycode" 
> VALUE="#variables.currencycode#">
> <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FormField" NAME="clientid" VALUE="#variables.clientid#">
> #cfhttp.filecontent#
> <!--- start of optional fields - if you want to collect billing and delivery 
> information to pre-fill the Barclays windows, add in the following input 
> variables - these are NOT required, just optional. I've sent these to the 
> page via a form called myform --->
> <input type="hidden" name="baddr1" value="#myform.addressfield1#">
> <!--- billing fields options are baddr1, baddr2, baddr3, bcity, 
> bcountyprovince, bcountry, bpostalcode, bstate, btelephonenumber --->
> <!--- devliery fields options are saddr1, saddr2, saddr3, scity, 
> scountyprovince, scountry, spostalcode, sstate, stelephonenumber --->
> <!--- there is also the option for the email field --->
> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="#myform.emailfield#">
> <!--- end of additional optional fields --->
> </FORM>
> Once submitted, the form will send the user to Barclays page. If an error is 
> found, make sure you told the Barclays ePDQ front end the precise url you are 
> sending from e.g. if the page above is called transaction.cfm this is what 
> you must add to the ePDQ front end (found at 
> https://secure2.epdq.co.uk/cgi-bin/ClearCommerce_Engine/#your-account-number#)
> Also, make sure that there is the relevant security on the directory that 
> this file sits in (basic authentication). Not the best thing to do to your 
> directory, but required for this function nonetheless.
> Once the Barclays pages are filled out by the user they will be sent back to 
> your transaction.cfm page. At the same time, the order information will be 
> send to the page you specified in the ePDQ front end (the return URL). On 
> this page you can pick up the information as follows:
> <!--- I'm creating a log file per order, so creating a unique log file per 
> order
> The information is sent back from Barclays as form variables, so form.oid is 
> whatever
> orderID was sent through by the first form, or if one wasn't sent through, it 
> is a 
> unique ID generated by Barclays for you - PaulM
>  --->
> <cfset variables.logID = #form.oid#>
> <!--- set the location of your log file directory --->
> <cfset variables.mylogfile = "d:\wwwroot\{your 
> site}\log\orderlog#variables.logID#.txt">
> <cfheader name="Content-Type" value="text/html">
> <cfset x = GetHttpRequestData()>
> <cfoutput>
> <cffile action="WRITE" file="#variables.mylogfile#" output="LOG FILE FOR 
> ORDER #variables.logID#" addnewline="Yes">
> <cffile action="APPEND" file="#variables.mylogfile#" output="ORDER CREATED: 
> #x.method#, Status: #form.transactionstatus#, OrderID: #form.oid#, Total: 
> #form.total#, Datetime: #form.datetime#, Client ID: #form.clientid#" 
> addnewline="Yes">
> <!--- at this point you will probably want to put the order into a database 
> or some other 
> order display method, so just use normal form.whatever to input or display it 
> --->
> </cfoutput>
> I hope this works for you. 
> If I've made any mistakes or typos above, I apologise!
> Good luck.
> Paul M 

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