Couldn't you create a CFC in your main app that will return a value of a
variable, something like this:

<cffunction name="getVar">
  <cfargument name="scope">
  <cfargument name="varname">
  <cfreturn "#arguments.scope#.#arguments.varname#" />

Expose the CFC to public and use <CFINVOKE> from your 'child' app.

You could also access it with <cfhttp> if you would rather do that.

Similar to your solution below, but more secure as it doesn't just dump all
the variables - you have to know the name of it to get the value.

You might want to add some error checking in case the varname or scope
passed doesn't exist.

In your 'child' app, you could set up a process that grabs those values and
populates your application and session scope in the child app automatically
on each request.

Not pretty, but it should work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 4:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Accessing Session and Application variables from another app

For reasons I won't go into, we have one directory in our main application
which has it's own application scope. Is there any way for this
sub-application to access session and application variables from the main

Things that I've thought of:
- A simple CF page which outputs the variables needed to the page. Then this
page can be hit via HTTP request.

Things I've tried
- A CFC in the root which returns the variables requested

I can't include, or reference the root app, so that option is out. Any other
things that I can try? 

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