Hi David,

Are you planning on submitting binary data from your grid?  If not there
isn't any reason to use the multipart.

I also received the error when submitting the page.  I do believe this is a
bug and should be reported.

Gary Gilbert

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 6:41 PM, David Byers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (Sorry for the repost... didn't get any responses yesterday and I'm
> really stuck here.)
> Greetings!
> I'm having a problem with cfgrid and I need some assistance.  Whenever I
> try to submit an HTML format grid with the enctype="multipart/form-data"
> attribute applied to the cfform tag, I receive "The submitted cfgrid
> form field is corrupt (name: __CFGRID__MYTEST__MYGRID value:
> ,__CFGRID__COLUMN__=DESCRIPTION; __CFGRID__DATA__=my Test 1)" as an
> error.
> Traditionally, I would look for semicolons in the grid data.  This time,
> it appears as though the "myGrid" field is being passed twice to the
> action page.  If I remove the enctype attribute, the form works and
> submits the grid data just fine.
> Has anyone else experienced this and/or have a workaround?
> <!--- BEGIN CODE SAMPLE - FILE t1.cfm --->
> <cfscript>
>   variables.myQuery = queryNew("ID,Description","integer,varchar");
>   queryAddRow(variables.myQuery,1);
>   querySetCell(variables.myQuery,"ID",1);
>   querySetCell(variables.myQuery,"Description","my Test 1");
>   queryAddRow(variables.myQuery,1);
>   querySetCell(variables.myQuery,"ID",2);
>   querySetCell(variables.myQuery,"Description","my Test 2");
> </cfscript>
> <cfform name="myTest" format="html" action="t2.cfm" method="post"
> enctype="multipart/form-data">
> <cfgrid
>   name="myGrid"
>   format="html"
>   selectmode="row"
>   pagesize="20"
>   autowidth="true"
>   preservepageonsort="true"
>   selectonload="false"
>   striperows="yes"
>   query="variables.myQuery"
>   width="360">
>   <cfgridcolumn name="Description">
> </cfgrid>
> <cfinput type="submit" name="btn_submit" value="Go">
> </cfform>
> <!--- END CODE SAMPLE --->
> <!--- BEGIN CODE SAMPLE - FILE t2.cfm --->
> <cfdump var="#form#">
> <!--- END CODE SAMPLE --->
> TIA... I sincerely appreciate any input you have.
> David Byers
> Applications Developer - Internet
> Shift4 Corporation
> 1491 Center Crossing Road
> Las Vegas, NV  89144-7047
> 702.597.2480
> fax 702.597.2499
> www.shift4.com
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