My guess is that the Viewer would have a different com object name.  I'd
recommend installing the viewer on your workstation and invoking it there.
Otherwise, you'll need to install the full version of Word on the server.
You can't expect consistent results otherwise.

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:58 AM, Chuck Weidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I want to open a MS Word Document (.doc) file and get the contents of the
> file.  The issue that I'm having is that on our server we have MS Word
> Viewer 2003 installed and I cannot figure out how to create or connect to
> this com object.  The code I have works perfectly on the workstation, but I
> have the regular MS Office 2003 installed.  So locally the creation and
> connection to winword.exe is great, but on the server I get the following
> error. The code that creates the object or connects to the existing object
> is below the error.  Thanks in advance for any help on this issue.
> Details:  The cause of this exception was that: java.lang.Exception:
> Invalid COM object.
> Message:  An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object.
> CODE -
> <cflock name="ObjectConnectionCreation" type="exclusive" timeout="120">
>        <cftry>
>                <cfobject type="com"
>                        action="connect"
>                        class="Word.application"
>                        name="MyWordobj"
>                        context="local">
>                <cfcatch>
>                        <cfobject type="com"
>                                action="Create"
>                                class="Word.application"
>                                name="MyWordobj"
>                                context="local">
>                </cfcatch>
>        </cftry>
>        <cfset mywordobj.visible = False>
> </cflock>

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