Thanks for the replies and comments, Ray & Michael!

Here's an update and answers to your questions/comments.

This is what i have tested out on my dev box:

- re-installed CF8 Updater 1 (CF8.0.1) on my dev box: a batch of 9
photos (total size 57MB) breezed through in about 20 seconds

- installed cumulative hotfix 1 for CF8.0.1: the page timed-out after
scaling the first photos in the batch. the first photos took 12min 9sec
to be scaled from 2592 x 2244 pixels to 480px wide. then 3 more seconds
to further scale it to 160px wide. writing image data to the db (which
is the next operation after the image manipulation cfscript block) never
ran - request timed out.

- un-installed cumulative hf 1 for CF8.0.1 (removed chf8010001.jar from
{cf_root}/lib/updates folder - now should have a plain vanilla CF8.0.1):
    the server promptly exhibited the cfimage file locking bug... do not
know why it did not show the image locking bug after initial re-install
of updater 1 without the chf or cfimage hf... i suspect i might have
left a chf #3 for cf8 in the updater folder, but if and why that would
have solved the image locking i do not know... anyway, easily got around
the locking using
(Ray - maybe add it to the wonderful imageUtils?)

- installed only cfimage hotfix (hf801-71557): same behaviour as with
cumulative hf - request timed out.

so.... it looks to me like there is definitely something up with that
cfimage hotfix - both the one included in chf and the new updated one...
is this a bug???
i should have the original cfimage hf (the one issued before the chf and
update) around somewhere - if i find it i will test with just it as well
and report.

now, for my code:
- i am explicitly specifying "highestQuality" for all interpolation
- i am NOT using imagesetantialiasing anywhere in the function - there
is no other image manipulation, just scaling.
- JVM settings... now, where do i begin?...
i actually have 3 HUGE emails sitting in my drafts folder all about JVM
settings - but then i decided to first test if downgrading the server to
plain CF8 solves the issue.  i have tweaked with jvm on my dev box and
VPS prod server for about 4 days prior (which is not easy - tweaking a
VPS in Georgia from Laos!)  - i had a suspicion it may be the jvm... but
no, it does not look like it with my recent tests. the prod server
currently keeps crashing & restarting with a Java HotSpot error on the
first photo in a batch - no matter what the photo size is... + recently
the server has been upgraded with 2 more GB of RAM, which, as i
understand, may be playing a part in the crashes if the RAM is falty...
but then again other websites on my VPS utilize image resizing, too,
with no problems... but, anyway, here's my dev box jvm settings:

-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -server
-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
-XX:+UseParallelGC -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../

in my prior attempts at solving this issue i have even tried downgrading
the jvm to 1.5.0_16 - to no avail... same problem.  my prod server is
still using the downgraded jvm...

my cfc code can be viewed here: (i tried which has nice cfml code highlighting, but it seems to be
down at the moment...)

once again, thanks for everyone's help! any more ideas are very welcome!
i sure hope i do not have to remove the chf from the prod server and
re-write all my sites to utilize the imageWrite work-around... :(

Azadi Saryev

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