I know qofq doesn't do substring. I don't think it does any string
manipulation like replace.  You will probably need to loop over the
query and do it manually or do it in the database.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Query of Queries
> From: "Craigsell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, September 02, 2008 11:45 am
> To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> I'm trying to use functions in a QoQ to parse out some text.  I have a 
> directory that has folders of images in it.  What I want is a simple QoQ that 
> will extract the directory and filename from a CFDIRECTORY tag into another 
> query.  My plan is to put this resulting query into the application scope 
> since this data is relatively static and time consuming to generate.
> <CFSET ThePath = "#APPLICATION.RootServerPath#doc\ToolImages\Photos">
> <cfdirectory 
>   directory ="#ThePath#" 
>   action="list"
>   name="ImageList" 
>   filter="*.jpg"
>   recurse = "yes"
>   type="all">
> <cfquery dbtype="query" name="myList"> 
>     SELECT name as imageName, replace(directory,"#ThePath#","") as imageDir
>     FROM ImageList
> </cfquery>
> myList would be set as an application scope variable in the next stages of 
> this.  I'll use it in another QoQ.
> Thanks!
> Warren Koch

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