i had a similar problem and turned out to be that one of the values in the 
order by clause was empty - cf seems to mistake it for a empty string and 
therefore was producing the same error you are experiencing... check all values 
in the problem column to ensure there are no empty values

i also get around alot of query of query problems by using cast()

hope this helps

> I have a runtime query of a query error as below.
> java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date  
> But the output format is correct and is in date. This application was 
> developed in coldfusion 6.1 and sqlserver2000. But now we get this 
> error when it was migrated to coldfusion 8 and sql server 2005.
> Below is the query block. There error comes in the select statement.
> if (NOT IsDefined("URL.sOrderBy")) URL.sOrderBy = "dtStartDate";
>       if (NOT IsDefined("URL.sOrderType")) URL.sOrderType = "DESC";
>       </cfscript>
>       <cftry>
>               <!--- Query of a query --->
>               <cfquery name="Variables.qSearchProjects" dbtype="query">
>               SELECT  *
>               FROM    qCombinedProjects
>               ORDER BY #URL.sOrderBy# #URL.sOrderType#;
>               </cfquery>
>               <cfcatch>
>       <!--- Order the projects by start date --->
>               <cfquery name="Variables.qSearchProjects" dbtype="query">
>                       SELECT  *
>                       FROM    qCombinedProjects
>                       ORDER BY dtStartDate DESC;
>                       </cfquery>
>       </cfcatch>
>       </cftry>
> dtstartdate is in date format. Please help as this really urgent

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