I am building the dynamic menu. Where based on the access level people will 
certain buttons on the screen.
 So i got the menu running which disalys nicely (using cfc). Now based on who 
the person is i need to show then appripriate menu items.
I have a tblEmployeeItems which defines all access level items (stored as 
session variables). For example John Smith have access.Departmen1 and 
accessDepartment2 set to 1  (as admin) so he will see all menu items for that 
department. jOHN Brown have accessdepartment1 and to set to 2 so he will see 
different menu.

How can I do this using CFC
Here is mu sample cfc menu 

<cffunction name="getChild" hint="get the child menu"  returntype="query">
            <cfargument name="menukey" type="any" required="yes">
            <cfargument name="page" type="any" required="yes">
                  <cfquery name="child" datasource="cfelsunrise" dbtype="ODBC">
                        select a.label,b.menuID from menu a inner join 
menufoundon b on a.menuId=b.menUId where b.foundON=<cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#menukey#">
                  <cfset arguments.page=arguments.page +1>
                  <cfreturn child>

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