Is anyone running CF8 and calling a crystal report (created with either version 
8.5 or 2008) via the cfreport tag?

We use Crystal Reports 8.5 with our VB6 apps but have never tried to use them 
with Coldfusion.  I'm attempting that now (with either crystal v8.5 or with a 
30-trial of the 2008 version) with no luck.  My cfm page runs but I just get a 
blank screen.

If I were doing this from scratch, what are the steps I need to take?  Install 
Crystal 8.5 or 2008 on the server?  I assume I need to install it on the 
server, or do I install it on my machine and then copy some of the dlls to the 
server and register them?  Then call with the tag as follows: <cfreport report 

What are the steps?  And, what am I missing? 

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