Ok, I feel like an idiot and must be missing something obvious.
I had to reinstall my developer edition of the CF server on my local box 
(Win XP SP2). Since doing so, I cannot get CF pages to work. When I try 
to load a page I am receiving a 404 JRun Servlet Error. The sites on my 
dev box are under the d:\webapps\myapps folder. I have this mapped in CF 
Admin as /myapps. I configured CF during install to run the built-in web 

So, for example, when I start the CF server and enter 
"http://localhost:8500/myapps/mysite"; in the browser address bar, this 
results in a "404 /myapps/mysite" error. If I add index.cfm to the path, 
I get a "404 File not found: /myapps/mysite/index.cfm" error.

What am I overlooking?

Separately, when attempting to create a mapping, clicking on the 
"Browser Server" form button to select a folder path brings up the 
"Select Directory on the Server" window to select a folder but after a 
few seconds it throws up a Server Error message (IO error on server 
communication). I didn't encounter this problem before reinstalling the 
CF developer edition on my box. Any ideas?


Best regards,

Chris Montgomery

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