That's not too hard. Have a hidden field that you make equal to a unique number 
(random, or CreateUniqueID, or an increasing App variable). When the form data is 
submitted record the random number as "used". Dont let someone submit the same random 
number twice.

At 09:49 AM 11/30/00 +0800, Kay Smoljak wrote:
>On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 16:48:07 -0600, "Bruce Heerssen"
>>1. Use some server side processing to see if the form has been submitted
>>and reject the new data if it has. You should do the same before serving
>>form also. Reason: The page source has been sent to the browser and hence
>can be
>>recovered by the user - NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY TO PREVENT IT.
>Does anyone have a good method for doing this that they would like to share?
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