It definitely doesn't matter if it is encrypted or not. Just think about
what happens when you read a cookie. Set a cookie, lets say a userid. In
plain text, the userid might be 1000. When my application reads the cookie
to find the users id, it asks the browser for the userid cookie, the browser
hands me back the value of whatever is contained in that cookie. In plain
text, it hands me back 1000. I check it against my database or whatever, see
that 1000 corresponds to user Bob and say, oh, this is Bob.

Now think about the situation where the cookie is an encrypted value. The
cookie is still userid, but instead of 1000, the value is some sort of
cryptographic hash of 1000. Lots of options for how to do the hash, but lets
say that the outcome of the hash of 1000 is XXYHDG. That's what gets set in
the cookie. The application comes along and asks the browser for the userid
cookie. Browser reads the cookie and reports back to the app that the value
is XXYHDG. Now your application looks up XXYHDG and says, oh, this matches
up with Bob and his userid of 1000. Therefore it presumes you are Bob.

If you copy that "encrypted" cookie over to another machine, the same exact
process happens. The person doing the copy of the cookie doesn't care if
Bob's userid is 1000 or XXYHDG. That information does them no good. They
only care that your application will take that information and decide that
they are Bob. Once your application decides that the person is Bob, they are
in the clear. The actual value of the cookie is meaningless to them, only
the function it serves in your authentication system.

Hope that helps explain the situation a bit better. It obviously raises a
number of very good questions, like, well, what are we supposed to do then?
But there are a number of good resources out there on how to secure your web
applications. Bottom line though, cookies are not secure and they should not
be used as the primary method of authentication if you care about the
applications security.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Al Musella, DPM

> Dave,
>  That is one of the scariest things I ever read :)
>  Heath - If I am reading this correctly, encrypting the cookie
> doesn't matter.  They can just get your encrypted cookie and use it
> as is, they do not need to unencrypt it.
> >Thanks Dave,
> >
> >Do you think encrypting the cookie values would be acceptable way of
> >securing the session?
> >
> >Heath

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