Funny you should mention that.  My company is building such a system as we
speak.  It should be done before the year is out.  It provides scheduling
for 'event leaders' along with 'events' and allows 'event attendee's to sign
up  through an extranet and even supports a parent/child event registration
for individuals/organizations who wish to register attendees for multiple
events that the registrant doesn't plan on attending themselves .. such as a
parent signing up a child, or the YMCA signing up a bunch of youths.  It not
only supports great E-mail notification, but provides a complete extranet
for clients to view and manage their own accounts and registration info and
for event leaders to review their schedules and their own account info..  It
also has a basic accounting system that tracks credit card payments and
provides invoicing options for customers who opt to use other methods other
than credit cards.  (This is an option and can be turned off.  You can
accept credit cards, or not, or other payments, or not, or both).  It's a
'complete and total' solution.

I'll see about releasing it open source, but can't make any promises,
considering the brass might not see the justification in releasing source
for something that is taking up so much development time and resources.  I'm
a big supporter of open source, but, it's not "my" code =-/

Let me know what time frame you are looking to implement such an app. in and
I will arrange a demo.  I might be able to slip you what I have while it's
still in development ;)

Unfortunately, It's not in a custom tag since it's a little too complicated
and I am using the project to train Jr developers who aren't ready for that
sort of thing.  The most important parts are the database design and storage
methodology anyway.  With that, you could roll your own solution easily ..
since that was the hardest part to develop.

Anyway .. I'll keep any interested parties informed.

E-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would like a peek.  In retrospect, the
whole thing seams so simple and isn't all that great, but if I can save
someone else a month of back-end development time .. well ... :)

Todd Ashworth

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Fraser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 4:52 PM
Subject: Open Source Event Registration Application?

> Is anyone aware of any open source CF code or custom tags that would be
> useful for an event registration application? The application envisioned
> would, at a minimum, list an organization's educational events, drill down
> to event detail, provide for "shopping cart" style registration, including
> multiple program sign-up, credit card validation, and autogenerated
> e-mail(s).
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Paul Fraser
> Senior Web Designer
> technology solutions

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