
I'd love to test it. I have a couple of questions first though. Does the
download contain everything I need? Or are there prerequisites that I would
need to have installed first. For instance it seemed to me that your wording
indicated that it expects Apache to already be installed and running.

Secondly, what existing files does it change? My CentOS 5 box runs Apache
and is doing lots of virtual host stuff. Will this script overwrite any
settings having to do with my current Apache settings? Does the installer
assume that I'm setting up a brand new box or does it take into account that
I may be installing OpenBD onto an existing web server that is currently
hosting pages that use other server side languages like PHP? Basically, I
want to be sure that I'm not going to bring down the functionality of my
existing server by adding this.

Also, I've been trying to install OpenBD by hand (unsuccsessfully), so I've
got a copy of OpenBD and Tomcat on there already. Is it advisable to remove
those prior to running the installer?


On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Jordan Michaels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> As a member of the OpenBD Steering Committee I've been trying to come up
> with a way to allow new users of OpenBD to get a working installation of
> OpenBD up and running right away with less of a learning curve then
> OpenBD requires right now. For both new and existing CFML developers,
> having to set up a J2EE server then deploy a CFML processor is above and
> beyond their normal job requirements.
> To ease the learning curve required to get OpenBD up and running, I've
> written an installer for Linux - which is very similar to the
> command-line installers for CF7, CF8, or BD JX. If you've ever installed
> any of those on Linux before, this should be familiar to you.
> You can download the installer here (about 55 MB):
> and just run it using the following command as root:
> # sh
> I've tested it on CentOS 4 and 5 and it works without issue with a
> default install of Apache.
> It installs a dedicated JVM, a pre-configured installation of Tomcat,
> and if you tell it to, it will do some of the system configuration for
> you as well (starting OpenBD at boot, configuring the Apache adapter, etc).
> Once the OpenBD Administrator is ready (it's *VERY* close) I'll package
> that up with this installer as well. For the moment though, I didn't
> include it.
> I'd *REALLY* like to get some feedback on this - if there's enough
> interest, I can work on a Windows installer as well.
> So, if you're inclined, please give this a look and let me know what you
> think. If you run into any problems, please let me know that too.
> Thank you in advance!
> --
> Warm regards,
> Jordan Michaels
> Vivio Technologies
> Open BlueDragon Steering Committee
> Adobe Solution Provider

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