At 08:29 PM 12/1/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey Gang,
>A friend of mine just asked me to post this question.  Would
>anybody know why, only on AOL 5 a site would be "loosing"
>it's session var's.  They use a session var to track when a
>user logs in.  On AOL 4 and AOL 6 they tell me that it works
>just fine.  IE, Netscape, and even both Mac versions of
>those two work fine.  The problem here is that owner of the
>site uses AOL 5 and does not want to change.  Any ideas.  I
>have tried all the normal stuff, anti AOL caching, passing
>the CFID and TOKEN through all the URL's and Form's etc.  No
>luck.  Any thoughts?  Thanks.

I think you might be out of luck. I'm not sure exactly how someone using 
AOL 5 as opposed to AOL 6 would cause different caching settings to be used 
on AOL's server. It is possible that users of different versions of AOL go 
through different proxy servers, but it seems like a silly thing to do. It 
is possible that there are some differences with the way the software 
interacts with the server that make this a requirement, but frankly, I 
can't imagine what they are. It seems more likely that the problem is in 
the browser software that the client is using. (Yes I realize that the 
browser software is actually AOL 5.)

But the weird thing is that it is your session variables that you are 
having a problem with and those are on your server. Somewhere, your server 
is getting confused about which computer has those session variables or 
something. You've tried passing CFID and CFToken, so there are not many 
things that could be causing this problem.

Have you tested this in AOL 5 yourself so you know that it isn't user error 
causing the problem? You need to make sure that it isn't just that the 
client is trying to use the system in a way that would not work anyway: 
timing out, sending links to others with his/her/its CFID and CFToken 
included in the URL. If you've already determined that user error is 
definitely not the problem, you should contact AOL and ask them if there is 
anything that you can do.

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