Sorry, access is set to remote. We were playing about with it when I copied and 
pasted :)

> Hey all, set up a new site and I'm trying to invoke a cfc as a 
> webservice.
> I've put a dump cfc in the webroot to remove any pathing issues. The 
> cfc looks like this:
> <cfcomponent displayname="ws" output="true">
>       <cffunction name="test" returntype="numeric" access="private" 
> output="true">
>               <cfreturn 123>
>       </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> When I browse to any of the following:
> http://domain/ws.cfc?wsdl
> http://domain/ws.cfc
> http://domain/ws.cfc?method=test
> I get a blank page.
> I thought it might have something to do with CFIDE not being a virtual 
> dir so we created that. No joy.
> From a file in the same dir I run:
> <cfset x = CreateObject("component", "ws")>
> <cfdump var="#x#">
> <cfset y = x.test()>
> <cfdump var="#y#">
> <cfinvoke webservice="
> cfc?wsdl" method="test" returnvariable="z">
> <cfdump var="#z#">
> Which results in:
> A dump of the component showing the test method.
> 123, the output of the call to the x.test().
> And then an error:
> Unable to read WSDL from URL: http://domain/ws.cfc?wsdl
> Which is fair enough as there is no WSDL being created.
> Looking in the IIS logs we see the requests coming in. Are there any 
> over places we can look at maybe?
> It's on Win 2003, IIS and CF8. URLScan is installed but the logs don't 
> report anything as being blocked.
> Any ideas on what could be happening?
> Thanks.
> Adrian 

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